Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Late Night Drive!

About a week ago Tyson and I were sitting around the apartment at about midnight, we weren't tired so Tyson asked me if i wanted to go on a late night drive! So our late night drive consisted of us taking out my remote control Hummer that I had gotten for Christmas! As we descended our stairs all of our neighbors were outside, they started laughing when they saw what we were doing!! The sprinklers had been on so the sand in the volleyball court was wet and and there were a few puddles! It's kinda funny what keeps Tyson entertained!! As for me I was entertained just watching him drive the H2 (okay so I cant really drive the thing) through the puddles and holes in the ground! Then we preceded to the parking lot where we took the Hummer off of a few jumps (jumps being the speed bumps)!! It was actually pretty fun, but after we ran the battery dead we found out we were even more awake then before!! I think our neighbors think we are crazy!!!



So not crazy! Get your night life in while there's still time! ;-D

I'm liking the orange...