Friday, August 1, 2008

Yes, I'm a Nerd!!

Today is the day that we have been waiting for (we as in Brandie and I), waiting for like a year I might add! We are going to the Breaking Dawn party at Borders tonight around 8, where we will surely take part in the great debate: Edward VS Jacob! I am an Edward fan, and my personal opinion on the matter is this: If Bella chooses Edward BUT stays human
the book is ruined, if Bella chooses Jacob the book is definitely ruined, so basically the only thing that can happen is...Bella choosing Edward AND becoming a Vampire. I compare it to Harry Potter, if JK Rowling would have killed off Harry, Ron or Hermione she would lose all her fans, so if Stephanie Meyer chooses not to make Bella a Vampire or to be with Edward she will lose a lot of fans, and if this does happen I don't think I will continue to read The Host series!! I am very passionate about this if you haven't already figured out!!

I have also decided I'm not really that big of a fan of the Twilight series anymore, I started reading a series all The House of Night series (the first book is called Marked), which is also about Vampyre's (that's how they spell it in the book!) granted its not by an LDS author so there is some swearing in it that i don't appreciate and some other things but all in all I've decided it is definitely better the the Twilight series which is hard to believe I know but I've made my decision and I'm stickin to it!!



You and Brandine are absolutely going to drive me to drink with this Vampire business!

The Garber Family

I'm 135 pages into Breaking Dawn. I'll leave it at that because I don't want to ruin anything for other comment-leavers. We need to talk...