Saturday, February 7, 2009

I give in!!

Okay so I'm finally going to give in to this 25 random things about me. I've had like 15 people tag me on facebook and through emails so I guess I'm going to finally do this even though its going to probably take me FOREVER to figure out 25 random things about myself! So here goes...

1-I'm always right no matter what, even if I'm wrong and i know I'm wrong, I'm still always right!!

2-I once fit 65 pieces of double bubble, bubble gum in my mouth. All of it was chewed too. And i probably could have fit more but my stomach was starting to really get sick because of all the sugar i was swallowing!!

3-I would love to work on crimes, you know be a crime scene investigator that would be cool. I would also love to be an Attorney, but i hate school so there is no way I would survive the 7 years of it!

4-I like Micheal Jackson, I love his music and his dancing.

5-If i would have had $200 dollars last year, I would have bought a ticket to the Spice Girls concert in Vegas.

6-I can quote the whole Liar Liar movie, word for word, and i could probably act out 85% of it too! I love it!

7-I love reality TV shows, and it doesn't matter which ones, i like them all, and for some reason I love the ones with all girl drama! like The Hills!!

8-I love games, board games, card games, video games, night games...I'm a total gamer!

9-I once worked at a surveying company, you know the people who call you and ask you to take a survey, yeah I did that, except I never really worked, I usually just sat there! It was an easy job, paid pretty good too!

10-I like sports, I like to watch football and basketball. Probably even more then my husband does!

11-I love mud, I love playing in it, i like the feel of it between my toes!!

12-I hate toothpaste, I hate the taste and the texture of it.

13-I have a really good memory!

14-I love country music, 90% of the music on my I-Pod is country. I've always like it and that will never change!

15-I don't consider Spanish Fork a small town.

16-I love horror films, I'm not sure why because they are usually pretty stupid, but I've never been scared in any of the ones I've watched.

17-I love baby/kids clothes, I always have, I think once I get pregnant I'm going to go crazy with the kids clothes!!

18-I could watch commercials all day, I find them so funny, well most of them!

19-I hate hot tubs, they are too hot for me, I feel like I cant breathe.

20-I love trucks, if i could choose a vehicle to drive it would be a truck.

21-I am secretly the biggest fan of Harry Potter, I don't think people realize that I'm a total nerd when it comes to those books and movies!

22-I love to chew ice, I would much rather have ice in a cup then the actual drink.

23-I would much rather raise boys then girls.

24-I hate dancing, but when I was younger I did dance and in the drill down i won first place out of like 60 other girls, and my cousin (who is an amazing dancer) got second place! I was so happy I beat her!!

25-I've never been to Disneyland, but it's never been at the top of my vacation list, even when I was little I think I was more interested in going to DC and going through all the museums out there.

Whew! Im done! That was hard!



haha! We have so much in common, I am the same way with Disney Land! I like your blog and I'm glad you told me about it!


Ha! We are pretty much the exact opposite according to this list! No wonder we get along so well... I think the one thing we have in common is we can appreciate differences in people!

The Garber Family

I know I couldn't think up 25 things about myself that are unusual....
I just feel so boring lately!
We have some cool Valentines to give you and Ty on Friday, see you then!